
New Years Eve 2018

Hello all!

It's the morning of New Years Eve. I'm sitting in my new place in my new city. I have a couple guests visiting me from my old city, but we all got a little drunk last night, so I'm the only one up (no hang-over for me, a little 2018 miracle I guess).

Eds, Ramona (Baby Cat), Tina left to right in the room I'm currently chillin' in

It's been a year, people. I mean, every year has its ups and downs, but this one for me held maybe some of the crappiest feelings of my life. I'm luckily pretty naturally steady and calm with my feelings. I'm not an up and down kinda gal, so some of the feelings I encountered were things I wasn't too familiar with. I guess there is something lovely in the mere act of experiencing new things and new feelings, and I do have some appreciation for that...but I also have an appreciation for feeling my normal.

I think in this post, I'd like to just write a little about the past and future and see what happens.

1 I don't know how many people read my posts. I never have, and I don't understand the site visitor diagnostics nearly as well as I should. I know there are some. One or two of you will reveal yourselves every so often. I love hearing from you - like, I REALLY LOVE hearing from you. It makes my week, but I'll write it even if no one reads it. I kind of think of this blog more as a weird resource that can just exist here in case someone needs to read about every lady-gasm scene in all of the The Americans or something like that. Anyway, to those that read my blog, Hello! I'm very interested in you.

I have been way off my SSL blogging game this year. Honestly, the last couple years have been a struggle. There's been a lot going on. This year though, my new job has turned out to be not nearly as conducive to writing these as my old job. In fact, if I'm on the company internet - even if I'm VPN-ing in from my home, ScienceSexAndTheLadies.blogspot.com is straight up blocked, so I can't even check on it from there. Slightly annoying, but I'm actually getting to a place in my job after about 6 months where I'm starting to feel comfortable in general - like I'm still learning of course, but I feel pretty good about it. So, that in itself will free up some time for me over 2019. I mean, it's one thing to do a job and it's another to do a job and learn it at the same time...one is much less efficient.

I say it often, but I want to do more Journal Article Summaries in 2019. They are my favorite part of this blog, but these mother fuckers take so damn long, though.

I like doing the SSL Reviews too. They can go either way in terms of time and effort, sometimes I just have to describe something and say some obvious shit about it. Sometimes I have to explain a bunch of complicated thoughts and feelings and histories related to a depiction/discussion, and I go down an 8 page rabbit hole that you may or may not have time/energy/interest to read. These will never go away, though. I watch a lot of shit, and I have a never ending list of lady-gasm, lady-bation, and clit depictions/discussions in movies and TV that I have yet to SSL Review. I got hella notes though, and I will get to them one at a time. Also, sometimes I avoid watching something that I know will have tons of SSL Reviewable moments because I don't want to take notes. Also, I have had notes on The To-Do List for going on 6 years now, but I avoid it because there is so damn much to unpack in it. 2019 might be its year.

I've got more Orgasm Interviews coming (pun intended). I'm excited about these, and thank you Anna for being the first. :)

It's been over 15 years since I started researching for my movie. It's been 10 years since I started writing this blog (dude - March 11, 2019 will be the 10 year anniversary. I'll have to do something cool for it). It's been almost 5 years since we finished the movie Science, Sex and the Ladies  (Amazon and Vimeo). I've been covering how people talk about, research, depict, and teach lady-gasms for a good while now, and I have to say, our cultural understanding of it has not budged much over the past decade. There is much work still to be done.

7 Happy New Year to you all wherever you are and whatever you are doing. I know some of you are kick-ass Orgasm Equality Allies out there spreading the good word and making the world a better place for the next generation. Keep that shit up in 2019! The rest of you are either future bad-ass Orgasm Equality Allies, skeptics here to see how wrong as fuck I am for proposing there is no such thing as an orgasm caused by stimulation inside the vagina (I got pretty goddamn solid reasons for saying, it ya'll. I wouldn't be so quick to hate.), random people looking for porn/erotica but ended up at one of my posts (Hello!), or my newish employees googling my name and finding out what their boss writes about on her free time (Hi! We will never speak of this again!). I wish all of you the best in 2019!

Until next year...


Orgasm Interviews: ANNA Part III (faking, orgasm ed, partner ed, and other stuff)

Orgasm Interviews - my basic intro (can skip if you've already read one of these)
Welcome back to this new series in SSL where a women answers questions about her orgasm, masturbation, and sexual experiences. I'm super excited about this because I think women sharing their orgasm experience with fo-realness is powerful as fuck.

At the same time, I think women speaking about their orgasm experiences before they have grounded understanding of orgasm or before they have learned how to have an honest relationship with their sexual bodies, can be misleading at best to the women they speak to and damaging at worst. To be frank and blunt about what I mean here, let me say it this way; I strongly suspect there are lots of women that lie about their orgasms - about how they happen, when they have them and if they have them. I don't think it's a mean or intentional thing. I don't even think I'd really call it lying most of the time because I don't think it's a conscious lie. It's more about not understanding what an orgasm physiologically is before speaking about it with an undeserved authority. I just think we women are so mislead and confused about our bodies, about the physiology of orgasm, and about how we should obtain, express, and speak about our orgasm that we often twist our understanding of our own experiences to fit into how we think things should be, and then we speak about them from that twisted, non-scientifically based view and other people take it to heart.

I say that all to let you know that I will be hand-picking all the women I ask to take this survey. I am choosing women I believe have a grounded understanding of orgasm, have exhibited what I believe is an honest relationship with their sexual bodies, and have shown they are able and at least somewhat interested in expressing their feelings and experiences. So, these are also women I have already had the chance to speak to about their orgasms. This series, clearly, is no scientific-based investigation, but I still would like to make it clear to all of you that this is the bias with which I am coming at this.

What I ultimately hope is that these women's stories and insights bring comfort or insight to the other women reading this.

This is the 2nd in her 3 part installment.
Find her PART 1 HERE.
Find her PART 2 HERE.
The following is also the description I have in Part 1 and 2, so if you've already read it, you can move onto the questions.

The first brave lady I have chosen for this is Anna. I met her online because she wrote me with some worry and criticism about a post I had written. Her insight, openness, and thoughts intrigued me, and we began a really lovely discussion. She graciously accepted the offer to do this, and put a lot of time and effort into being as honest as possible. In an email asking me what format to send it to me in, she said,
"I've been spending a lot of time on your survey, trying to be as honest and thorough as possible. It brought back memories and helped me put into words some vague thoughts I have had. Maybe I was too thorough: I wrote more than ten pages. I couldn't separate orgasms from sex in general. I kept adding context. The answers didn't seem to make sense otherwise."
This will be the second of 3 post from her survey. She did, much to my happiness, write a lot - more than 1 post's worth. Please read her interview in detail. Anna is an extraordinary woman, I think, and although her orgasmic life might have taken a slightly different route from many of you, there is
soooo much to relate to and a lot to learn from. I asked a few follow-up questions that I will include as well. The ability to ask follow-up questions I think is an important perk to this kind of direct questioning.

4. Faking, Orgasm Education, and Partner Education 
4a. How often do you fake orgasms now and also in your past? Under what circumstance(s) has this happened? 
As far as I recall, I have never faked an orgasm. I have faked enthusiastic participation during intercourse though. It is possible that a partner may have misinterpreted that as me having an orgasm, but I don't think so. I have never said that I came if I didn't (when asked).

4b. Have you ever been confused or incorrect about where your sexual body parts were or how they functioned? If so, please describe what you were wrong about and how you discovered that. Are there still things you are confused about? 
Yes. Even before I started school I had access to children's books with titles like "How My Parents Made Me". With diagrams and photos. I knew all about eggs and sperm and penises and vaginas. How the sperm got to the egg was less clear, but it involved pleasure and being naked in a bed, so I assumed the sperm snaked their way across the sheets into the vagina. I was chocked when we had sexual education in the first grade and it dawned on me that the penis was supposed to go INTO the vagina. How??? I knew babies came out there, but I didn't perceive there was any opening in my own child body. The biology book said that the first intercourse could be painful for the woman. That I could believe!

The diagrams of what women look like weren't very clear, so I got the impression that the urethra was the clitoris and the clitoris was the clitoral hood. The book said that some women liked to masturbate by rubbing their clitoris or their clitoral hood. I just assumed I was in the latter group. I realized my mistake sometime in my early teens, when I took a mirror and looked for myself.

4c. Have you ever been confused about how to orgasm or about whether you were orgasming? Please describe in what ways you were confused and how you later became more clear about it (if you have become more clear about it).

4d. Have you ever assumed you were orgasming in a particular situation(s) and then later came to realize you may not  have been? Please describe in what situations you thought you were orgasming and how you realized you may not have been. 

4e. Have you had to 'teach' partners how to help bring you to orgasm? What kinds of things have you needed to teach? How quick did they 'catch on'? How receptive have your partners been to adapting sexual activity to physically make it easier (or possible) for you to orgasm?
This is a big topic. In a way, new partners always have to teach and discover each other's ways to pleasure.

In my experience, men want women to orgasm. I would say that every single partner I have had knew the clitoris exists, and that a gentleman is supposed to stimulate it at some point during sex.

Not all of them knew where it was - those diagrams misled more people than me! None of them knew that it is the ONLY way to female orgasm. (To be fair, I didn't either. I thought it was just me.)

Some partners have thought me a bit odd for insisting on getting clitoral stimulation, but most have tried to give it to me. Most have followed my instructions, more or less successfully. Even the casual ones. Even the one who thought my orgasm was somehow for his benefit and assured me it wasn't necessary. He said it would be really hot if I did, but not to worry, he would be happy either way! (Yes. Really. He thought he was doing me a favor by not requiring me to orgasm. I blame porn.)

Even my second boyfriend wanted to be a good, attentive, creative lover. He was happy to adjust how he did things. He loved seeing me orgasm. Too bad he wasn't willing to NOT do what he wanted, when he wanted to. "Do you want missionary or doggy style? You don't want to have sex at all? Well, I want doggy style, so get on your hands and knees." He actually thought he was compromising, and that I was being selfish and unreasonable for refusing to meet him half way. As for his more "exotic" practices, he was sure I would learn to like them eventually, so no need to stop just because it hadn't happened yet. Hurting me was unfortunate but unavoidable.

And that's just the thing. What I say doesn't really count. Most of my partners have been happy to give me what I want, as they perceive it, but they are humoring me. Maybe I need clitoral stimulation to orgasm, but everybody knows that intercourse is what counts. I'm the exception that proves the rule. My current boyfriend is still convinced that most women can't come unless the man is super skilled and willing to work, and also has rock hard erections for hours - and he has had many, many girlfriends and casual partners through the years. He is unshakably certain that his very first girlfriend (at age 15) used to orgasm as soon as he put it in, with no clitoral stimulation at all. She said she did, and who am I to say she didn't? He was there, I wasn't. All the science in the world is nothing against his deeply held convictions. At the same time he says that he has never had another partner who orgasmed so easily and consistently until he met me, nearly 40 years later. It couldn't possibly be because he was working from a faulty premise. We must both be truly exceptional women! 5.

Additional Information
5a. Does the physical and/or mental aspects of your orgasm vary at all from one instance to another? Please describe. Do you notice patterns about when it feels one way versus another? 
It varies a lot, as I described, but I don't see any obvious patterns except two:
- it's much harder to orgasm when I am on my period, and the orgasms don't feel as good. The need to orgasm doesn't diminish, just my ability.
- the orgasm is usually stronger if I have been refraining for a few days.

5b. Anything else you'd like to say about your relationship to your orgasm over the years? 
I have had so much shame around sex and orgasms. Like I said above, is it really ok for a woman to want sex? To enjoy it for my own pleasure? To be curious about different sexual practices? My experience told me it wasn't. Good girls don't, and I was a very good girl.

I was with my husband for 23 years. I had orgasms practically every time we had sex, but there was no sense of fun after the first few years. Any attempt to mix things up was met with disapproval. We were still happy and had a lot of fun outside the bedroom, even as sex got more and more rare. I would wait until he fell asleep and masturbate without moving or making a sound. I thought this was what life as a mature adult was like.

Our marriage ended badly. My husband had an affair with a much younger woman. It had been going on for years when I found out a few weeks before Christmas 2014. He said he didn't want a divorce, but it turned out he had no intention of ending the affair either. He told me he needed her for sex because I was "too old, too fat and too tall". I believed him, so I left in spring 2015. I was resigned to being alone forever. Despite this, I promised myself that if pigs ever started flying and I had another chance at partnered sex, I would ask for what I wanted, no matter how ashamed I was.

Two months later, to the day, an acquaintance introduced me to my current boyfriend. He was not my type at all! He was a conservative, I'm progressive! He had bought into the trope that feminists are pathetic man-haters, I'm a feminist. I prefer to be at home with my computer, he spends as much time as he can outdoors. He had dated a lot, but lived alone (with his son 50%) since 1994, and I had just gotten free. He stated up front that he was sick of being single and wanted to find someone to grow old with. I made it perfectly clear that I was not interested in a serious relationship, thank you very much. And yet... We talked, and had sex, and talked some more. We kept seeing each other every chance we got.

One night I worked up my courage, hid my face and told him about my fantasies of humiliation and coercion. I whispered that I would like to try some of what was done to me, to reclaim a piece of myself, to see what it was like when it wasn't rape. He said sorry, such things didn't feel right and were a huge turn off for him. I was mortified, but he held me close and said "There is nothing wrong with you. You are not the first woman to ask me, and there was nothing wrong with those women either. People like different things. To each their own, as long as everyone is happy and no one gets hurt." And I could tell he meant it! My mind was blown.

Another night I told him of my shame for wanting too much sex and being too demanding. He actually laughed. "Are you kidding? So what if you want more sex than I do. It doesn't diminish you in any way. You take sex seriously, not like something that just happens. We are both the richer for it." He was right - sex is a hobby for me, a field of study.

My boyfriend's openness gradually unlocked something in me. A lot of my shame dissipated. I no longer feel the need to try my fantasies IRL. I would still like to, if the circumstances were right, but I no longer feel like something is lacking in my sex life.

The one thing I DO need above all else in partnered sex is to feel secure about being attractive to my partner. I'm in reasonably good shape for someone who is nearly fifty, has borne two children and has varied wildly in size. I enjoy dressing up in sexy lingerie etc, but in the back of my mind is always a little voice telling me that I'm pathetic. ("too old, too fat and too tall")

My boyfriend is very enthusiastic about my body, especially when I dress up, but I know his porn features mostly skinny, large-breasted women in their twenties or early thirties. He says that he loves my body, but who I am as a person is more important than what I look like - but it would have been an added bonus if I had looked more like them. He thinks I would have been more attracted to him too, if he were younger and fitter, and he frets about his discrete wrinkles and his slight beer belly. Is he settling for me because he thinks he's too old for someone younger and hotter? He talks scornfully of men his age who try to pick up women half their age. He feels sorry for a couple of his friends who left their wives and are now unhappy with much younger women. Sour grapes? Most of the time none of this bothers me, but these thoughts intrude when I'm feeling low. They make my sexual confidence evaporate.

Maybe that is the key to orgasms in general. Knowledge is necessary, but confidence is also essential. I have complete confidence in my body's ability to orgasm, but not so much in other areas. Without confidence, I feel less desire. Even when I have had partnered sex anyway, it's difficult let go and have an orgasm.


Orgasm Interviews: ANNA Part II (Intercourse and Non-Intercourse Activities)

Orgasm Interviews - my basic intro (can skip if you've already read one of these)
Welcome back to this new series in SSL where a women answers questions about her orgasm, masturbation, and sexual experiences. I'm super excited about this because I think women sharing their orgasm experience with fo-realness is powerful as fuck.

At the same time, I think women speaking about their orgasm experiences before they have grounded understanding of orgasm or before they have learned how to have an honest relationship with their sexual bodies, can be misleading at best to the women they speak to and damaging at worst. To be frank and blunt about what I mean here, let me say it this way; I strongly suspect there are lots of women that lie about their orgasms - about how they happen, when they have them and if they have them. I don't think it's a mean or intentional thing. I don't even think I'd really call it lying most of the time because I don't think it's a conscious lie. It's more about not understanding what an orgasm physiologically is before speaking about it with an undeserved authority. I just think we women are so mislead and confused about our bodies, about the physiology of orgasm, and about how we should obtain, express, and speak about our orgasm that we often twist our understanding of our own experiences to fit into how we think things should be, and then we speak about them from that twisted, non-scientifically based view and other people take it to heart.

I say that all to let you know that I will be hand-picking all the women I ask to take this survey. I am choosing women I believe have a grounded understanding of orgasm, have exhibited what I believe is an honest relationship with their sexual bodies, and have shown they are able and at least somewhat interested in expressing their feelings and experiences. So, these are also women I have already had the chance to speak to about their orgasms. This series, clearly, is no scientific-based investigation, but I still would like to make it clear to all of you that this is the bias with which I am coming at this.

What I ultimately hope is that these women's stories and insights bring comfort or insight to the other women reading this.

This is the 2nd in her 3 part installment.
Find her PART 1 HERE.
The following is also the description I have in Part 1, so if you've already read it, you can move onto the questions.

The first brave lady I have chosen for this is Anna. I met her online because she wrote me with some worry and criticism about a post I had written. Her insight, openness, and thoughts intrigued me, and we began a really lovely discussion. She graciously accepted the offer to do this, and put a lot of time and effort into being as honest as possible. In an email asking me what format to send it to me in, she said,
"I've been spending a lot of time on your survey, trying to be as honest and thorough as possible. It brought back memories and helped me put into words some vague thoughts I have had. Maybe I was too thorough: I wrote more than ten pages. I couldn't separate orgasms from sex in general. I kept adding context. The answers didn't seem to make sense otherwise."
This will be the second of 3 post from her survey. She did, much to my happiness, write a lot - more than 1 post's worth. Please read her interview in detail. Anna is an extraordinary woman, I think, and although her orgasmic life might have taken a slightly different route from many of you, there is
soooo much to relate to and a lot to learn from. I asked a few follow-up questions that I will include as well. The ability to ask follow-up questions I think is an important perk to this kind of direct questioning.

2. Intercourse 
2a. Describe your relationship to and experience with intercourse. 
Well, for one thing, I thought I would never get a chance to experience it. From middle school and onwards it was made very clear to me how ugly, weird and disgusting I was. Bullying is very damaging.

When I was 17, I met a boy who seemed not only interested but enthusiastic, so I took my (only) chance. We had so much fun! Neither of us had any experience (and also, no internet), so we experimented: "Does this feel good? Harder? Softer? To the left? What about if I do like this instead?" When we tried intercourse I was a bit disappointed that it would not bring me to orgasm but it wasn't that big of a deal. We just tried different ways to include my clit. What worked best was me using my fingers during intercourse. (Too bad all we had in common was sex. It only lasted a couple of months.)

I enjoy intercourse. The pressure inside me can feel really good. I like being close to my partner and seeing his pleasure. Intercourse can bring an extra dimension to my orgasm too, but it doesn't cause orgasms.

2b. If you ever orgasm while having intercourse (either with or without the use of hands, toys or other accessories), please describe exactly what needs to happen to you physically in order to get the stimulation you need to orgasm. If there is more than 1 scenario, describe each. Please be as detailed as you can. 
I'm not sure I understand the question. "What needs to happen to you physically"... Frankly, what needs to happen is that he doesn't get in the way.

I used to orgasm during intercourse most of the time. I would do my usual circular rubbing. He would hold back until I was done, then he would come. I have come from being fingered while he was inside me from behind. It was nice, but it's just as good and also much more reliable if I do it myself.

I have had a few sexual partners: some boyfriends, some more casual. (I haven't counted. Probably more than ten, definitely less than twenty.) With most of them, my finger method worked perfectly. With my current boyfriend it just doesn't. If I put anything between us it doesn't feel as good for either of us, and it doesn't feel as good from behind either. I think it's partly due to anatomical factors but mostly psychological.

My boyfriend so desperately wants it to be good for me that he gets stressed and loses his erection. He is 50+ and has some prostate trouble, but what really derails him is his inner model of how sex SHOULD work. He feels that it's his job to give me orgasms, and that I am somehow being cheated if I have to "help" him. It is better for both of us when he relaxes and lets himself enjoy his own pleasure.

My trusty vibrator doesn't work for me during intercourse. I need it to be positioned very precisely. Intercourse makes it move around too much.

2c. How often would you say you orgasm during intercourse? What are your feelings about that?
It used to be quite often. These days, basically never.
It doesn't matter either way. Intercourse is not all-important. I get orgasms with my boyfriend practically every time we have sex, except when we decide that I won't (as part of play, or because we only have time for one of us - and when that happens, it's usually I who get the orgasm and he who waits)

3. Non-intercourse Partnered Sex 
3a. Have you ever orgasmed during cunnilingus (while being ate out / gone down on / given oral sex)? If so, please describe in detail (as best you can since you aren't in the front row of what's happening down there) what you need to do physically and what needs to physically happen to you in order to orgasm this way. 
I have, but it was a long time ago. The mechanics are the same as when I masturbate: consistent, firm, rhythmical pressure.

Cunnilingus can be nice as part of the build-up phase, but I usually don't orgasm from it. Tongue and lips are not firm enough for more than teasing. Also, I tend to thrash around a lot when I orgasm, so the stimulation tends to vanish when I want it the most.

Most of my partners, current included, seem very enthusiastic, but I sometimes get distracted with worry that he is getting bored or that it tastes bad.

3b. Have you ever orgasmed while a partner was stimulating you with a hand or finger(s)? If so, please describe in detail what you need to do physically and what needs to physically happen to you in order to orgasm this way. 
I have, but mostly I like it as part of the build-up. It's just easier and more reliable if I do the last bit myself.

 3c. Have you ever orgasmed while a partner was stimulating you with a sex aid (a vibrator, dildo, feather - anything like that). If so, please describe in detail what you need to do physically and what needs to physically happen to you in order to orgasm this way.
No. I only got my first toys after I met my current boyfriend. We tried a little bit, but it just works so well when I do it myself.

3d. Have you ever orgasmed while grinding or rubbing against a partner's body? If so, please describe in detail what you need to do physically and what needs to physically happen to you in order to orgasm this way.
No. I have rubbed my vulva on my partner. It feels nice, but it is too indirect to make me orgasm. 

3e. Anything else you'd like to say about these activities in your sex life?
My boyfriend and I discovered the perfect way to make me orgasm. I lie on my stomach and hold my little vibrator on my clit in the same way as when I masturbate. My boyfriend lies beside me and pushes rhythmically and firmly with his thumb on the alleged g-spot area, and when I say firmly I mean as in "Are you sure I'm not hurting you? Are you really certain? I can't believe I'm not hurting you." I get an orgasm every time, and it's usually more powerful than anything I can get on my own.

3e Follow-up Questions 1 and 2 (answered together) 1. Did your orgasms that happened while there was pressure on your G-spot ever include any kind of ejaculation or 'squirting' or anything like that? 2. Have you ever experienced ejaculation or 'squirting'? If so, please explain the situations in detail. 
It has happened but I haven't really thought much about it. I don't know how often it happens. Sometimes everything gets really wet when I orgasm, but it's hard to tell if it's from ejaculating or just a lot of vaginal lubrication if no one sees it happen. I have been told that it looks like a little orgasm fountain. Partners tend to think it's a big deal, like a mark of their excellence as lovers. Maybe they have a point: every time I've been told about has been with g-spot pressure, and the orgasms have been significantly more powerful than average. (I wish everybody knew that vaginal lubrication is a bad indicator of how turned on you are.)

Follow-up to the Follow-up: So, you are saying that you have been told that it looks like a 'little orgasm fountain' when you orgasm. However, the only times you've been told that are when you have received the strong g-spot stimulation along with the clitoral stimulation. Is that correct? Also, is it correct that you haven't been told about a 'little orgasm fountain' or any other squirting/ejaculation during orgasms that did not include G-spot stimulation? Otherwise, you have noticed being very wet after an orgasm, but that could very well be vaginal lubrication - is that correct?
No partner has mentioned a fountain when there has been no pressure.

I just realized something: when I masturbate with a toy in my vagina I get some pressure, and occasionally there is a lot more wetness than usual after I orgasm. It is more water-like, not as slippery. It smells sweet, not like either urine or vaginal fluid. I always thought this was due to the toy stimulating extra lubrication, but maybe there has been an ejaculation? I really don't know. I never thought much about it before you asked.

3e Follow-up Questions 3: Also, can you explain in any more detail how your orgasms with lots of G-spot pressure differed from your orgasms without g-spot pressure?
This is a difficult question. There is a big difference, but how to describe it? The pressure orgasm is more full, more nuanced. My whole body is more involved. If it's a strong one I tend to scream out loud and my back and legs spasm. The first few times with my boyfriend's special technique he thought he had seriously injured me, for sure. Now we just have to be careful to shut the windows and scream into a pillow. I can force myself to be silent and still, but when I do it takes so much effort I can't fully enjoy the orgasm.

Orgasms without pressure are sharper and thinner. My body cramps rather than spasms. I don't make much noise either. This makes it sound like orgasms without pressure are inferior, and they kind of are, but also not. Chocolate analogy: quality is better than cheap, but sometimes the cheap stuff is what you crave. Music analogy: some music is complex and rewards the listener for making the effort, and some music is less complex but just as enjoyable in other ways.

If I'm without pressure and get stuck on the build-up plateau, pressure usually pushes me into the orgasm.


Orgasm Interviews: ANNA Part I (Masturbation)

Orgasm Interviews - intro to a new series
I'm happy to say that I'm finally getting to this new series I've been wanting to do here on SSL where a women answers questions about her orgasm, masturbation, and sexual experiences. I'm super excited about this because I think women sharing their orgasm experience with fo-realness is powerful as fuck.

At the same time, I think women speaking about their orgasm experiences before they have grounded understanding of orgasm or before they have learned how to have an honest relationship with their sexual bodies, can be misleading at best to the women they speak to and damaging at worst. To be frank and blunt about what I mean here, let me say it this way; I strongly suspect there are lots of women that lie about their orgasms - about how they happen, when they have them and if they have them. I don't think it's a mean or intentional thing. I don't even think I'd really call it lying most of the time because I don't think it's a conscious lie. It's more about not understanding what an orgasm physiologically is before speaking about it with an undeserved authority. I just think we women are so mislead and confused about our bodies, about the physiology of orgasm, and about how we should obtain, express, and speak about our orgasm that we often twist our understanding of our own experiences to fit into how we think things should be, and then we speak about them from that twisted, non-scientifically based view and other people take it to heart.

I say that all to let you know that I will be hand-picking all the women I ask to take this survey. I am choosing women I believe have a grounded understanding of orgasm and have exhibited what I believe is an honest relationship with their sexual bodies. So, these are women I have already had the chance to speak to about their orgasms. This series, clearly, is no scientific-based investigation, but I still would like to make it clear to all of you that this is the bias with which I am coming at this.

What I ultimately hope is that these women's stories and insights bring comfort or insight to the other women reading this.

The first brave lady I have chosen for this is Anna. I met her online because she wrote me with some worry and criticism about a post I had written. Her insight, openness, and thoughts intrigued me, and we began a really lovely discussion. She graciously accepted the offer to do this, and put a lot of time and effort into being as honest as possible. In an email asking me what format to send it to me in, she said,
"I've been spending a lot of time on your survey, trying to be as honest and thorough as possible. It brought back memories and helped me put into words some vague thoughts I have had. Maybe I was too thorough: I wrote more than ten pages. I couldn't separate orgasms from sex in general. I kept adding context. The answers didn't seem to make sense otherwise."
This will be the first of 3 post from her survey. She did, much to my happiness, write a lot - more than 1 post's worth. Please read her interview in detail. Anna is an extraordinary woman, I think, and although her orgasmic life might have taken a slightly different route from many of you, there is soooo much to relate to and a lot to learn from. I asked a few follow-up questions that I will include as well. The ability to ask follow-up questions I think is an important perk to this kind of direct questioning.

Anna's Summary
Read the whole thing in detail - because that's where the real beauty is, but here's a quick orgasm-based summary that I will be doing for each women I interview. It's merely a quick and dirty orgasm history that highlights some things I see as particularly unique or interesting or relate-able in the interviewees story. Hopefully I'll eventually have tons of these, and this summary can be used as a simple reference.

Anna is woman that has had a relationship with her orgasm through masturbation since young childhood. She, I think, is somewhat unique in that she immediately brought that relationship into her sexual partnerships through her own finger manipulation to her clitoral glans - in both healthy sexual encounters and even in a sexual relationship that often lacked consent. 

Like many of us, she had times where she thought she was unique in her need for clitoral stimulation to orgasm, and she had partners that humored her need for it or found it odd, but it seems to me Anna has always held a level of sexual confidence that helped her along her sexual journey - always growing, healing, adjusting, and finding pleasure. 

Oral sex and grinding herself against a body are not great ways for her to induce orgasm, and her partner's fingers on her clit do work sometimes, but it's not as reliable. Only in the last few years has she discovered vibrators, but she very much enjoys them now. Intercourse alone has never caused orgasm for her, but she has often come during intercourse with the addition of her own finger stimulation to her clit. 

She also has discovered in the past few years that her partner adding very, very strong pressure to her 'g-spot' (lower, towards-the-belly area of the vagina where the urethra and 'female-prostate' can be pressed on through the vaginal wall) while she fingers her clit has given her orgasms a different dimension that she very much enjoys. This may possibly cause some ejaculation from her urethra - although it's hard to know exactly what's going on down there while she's orgasming and is only going from what her partners say they've witnessed.

Anna - I love you for putting yourself out there in this way. I appreciate you more than you know. These answers are Anna's word for word. If anyone out there has questions for Anna - feel free to comment or write me at trisha att ancmovies dott com, and I will get them to her.

Enjoy section 1 on masturbation.

1. Masturbation 
1a. How/when did you first begin to masturbate? 
I honestly don't know. I have a memory of sitting in the living room sofa, watching children's TV and playing with my "front butt"*, but that definitely wasn't the first time. I think I was panting and moaning. My dad got annoyed and said "Don't do that here!", which I interpreted as "Only do that when no one sees or hears you." I was 3 or 4 years old, and from then on I was very quiet and discreet.

Like many autists I have a hard time falling asleep. Even as a small child I would lie awake for ages. It was extremely boring and masturbation helped pass the time.

(*We actually used that description. There was no non-medical or non-sexualized word when I grew up. In 2000, when I was 30 and expecting my first child, there was a big feminist discussion in mainstream media about how damaging this was. Some new, made-up words were suggested and one of them caught on. Now little Swedish cis boys have a "snopp" and little Swedish cis girls have a "snippa".)

1b. How often do you orgasm during masturbation? 
I'm not sure I understand the question - as many times as I feel like? Usually one, sometimes two, occasionally more (up to 6, I think). Until I feel done? It has happened that I wanted more but my clit was too desensitized, but that's really rare - less than once every couple of years.

Or do you mean if I orgasm when I masturbate? In that case, practically every time. Sometimes it takes a bit longer, but only very rarely does the orgasm not come. Less than once a year.

1c. Describe in detail how you physically stimulate yourself to orgasm (if you do it in more than one way please describe each). How is your body positioned? Your legs and hips? Where do you stimulate and what types of movements do you use? 
This has varied over time. For most of my life I would lie on my back, legs pressed together, as straight and tense as possible, and rub my clitoris in a circular movement with my right index finger. Sometimes I would turn over and do the same thing. In my teens I discovered that it changed the sensation if I put two fingers in my vagina and pressed firmly and rhythmically (in what I now know is the supposed g-spot area) at the same time as I rubbed my clit, so sometimes I did and sometimes I didn't. Sometimes I would start with my legs relaxed, but I always finished with maximum tension in my whole body.

My outer labia are quite large and I need direct stimulation, so just grinding on something feels nice but it's not enough to get me off.

I have also tried using a shower head a couple of times. It felt amazing, but I always felt so guilty afterwards, wasting all that water :D

Three years ago I bought my first sex toy. What a game changer! It took a bit of trial and error, with some expensive mistakes, but now I have a small set of toys that I love. My absolute favorite is a powerful rechargeable lipstick vibrator (a Wevibe Tango 2). I now lie on my back with my knees apart and the soles of my feet together. I spread my outer labia with my left index and middle fingers and hold the vibrator in my right hand, the flat bit at the top near my clitoris. I just touch and pull back, touch and pull back, with the touching part getting longer and firmer until I climax.

Every once in a while I put a glass toy in my vagina and/or use a glass butt plug, but only when I'm making it more of an event, so to speak. (It's like food: most meals I make are nice, but when the mood strikes, it's fun to make an effort and cook something more elaborate.)

1d. Tell us about your orgasms during masturbation. How would you describe the physical sensations of right before, during, and after orgasm? If you notice variety in your orgasms during different masturbation sessions, how would you describe that variety? 
It varies A LOT, both in sensation and intensity. The basic pattern is always that the tension builds in my pelvic muscles but also in my whole body. It can be fun to try and force myself to relax, but it never works :). Then there is sort of a plateau, then it builds just a little bit more and it's like the tension cascades through my whole body. My vagina contracts rhythmically, my legs twitch, my stomach muscles seize so my upper body lifts from the bed. Sometimes this passes quickly, sometimes it goes on for a long time. Occasionally I have to stop stimulating my clit because the pleasure is so intense it overwhelms me, but usually I keep stimulating until all the pleasure and tension has ebbed away and then a few more seconds. Sometimes, if I want more, I just continue and start the process over.

Sometimes the build-up takes longer, sometimes it's plateau time almost immediately. Sometimes the plateau is so long I almost think the orgasm is not going to happen, but then it does. Sometimes there is hardly any plateau at all. Sometimes I have to really concentrate and "push", sometimes I can mentally relax and let it just happen. Sometimes I think I'm strolling predictably along the plateau when SURPRISE!! Orgasm attack!!!!

The contractions can be really, really strong, or soft and gentle, or in-between. There can be many, fast or just a few. Qualitatively, the pleasure can be anywhere from sharp and demanding to sweet and soft. The intensity of the pleasure also varies. I know this sounds strange. How can something be intensely soft? Or sharp, but not in an intense way? It has to do with how much of my awareness the orgasm takes - how much else is going on in my mind at the same time. Sometimes I feel a bit removed from the experience. I can't explain it any better.

Usually strong contractions give strong pleasure, but it has happened that strong contractions come with less than average pleasure, or that mild contractions give intense pleasure. There is some correlation, but it's not straight forward.

It has happened a handful of times in my life that the orgasm is nearly finished and I'm starting to relax, but then it just starts again, as hard or even harder than before. It's like two distinct climaxes with no build-up between. Occasionally I go through all the phases and get the contractions, but no pleasure. This is so annoying! My body is done, even though I'm definitely not satisfied. There is nothing I can do. Fortunately this is rare - maybe once or twice per year.

1e. Do you use erotica, pornography, or do you fantasize during (please describe the type if you feel comfortable)? 
All of the above, but most of the time I use only my imagination.

This is a sensitive topic for me, and I think for most women. Sweden is ranked as one of the most gender equal countries in the world, but that doesn't really mean very much when most of the world is so very sexist. I grew up in the seventies. I was told that women are as good and valuable as men, but all around me I could see for myself that women were seen as lesser. The adults talked about equality, but I could see that the boys got preferential treatment everywhere, even in pre-school. It was gaslighting on a societal level.

The overt message around me was that sex is beautiful and healthy, and both men and women should enjoy it. Between the lines I could read that sex was dirty, dangerous and shameful for women. It was both pleasurable and necessary for men, so women had to grin and bear it, even though the best we could hope for was a man who was gentle and considerate. I truly believed all this. Even as a pre-teen my fantasies had vague elements of humiliation and coercion.

I was 17 when I met my second boyfriend. This was long before the internet. He was into things I had never even heard of, but not so much into consent. Women are conditioned to disregard our discomfort, and autistic women even more so. "Trimming your finger nails can't possibly be painful so stop crying and hold still" is not so different from "anal is perfectly normal so stop crying and hold still" - they both mean "your experience not valid and you have no right to refuse". He refused to let me break up with him. It took a couple of years before I even realized that what he did was rape, which unlike manicures is illegal. Eventually I went to the police. Surprise! 15 months in prison and a restraining order. I haven't heard from him since I left the court room. (this was an extremely abridged retelling)

The irony is that I could probably have enjoyed some of what he wanted if he had given me time to get used to the concepts, and if I had felt safe with him (and if we had known how to do it safely - remember, no internet). I don't know. I have never had the opportunity to try. My fantasies nearly always involve some kind of domination but no violence. There's often anal sex, but unlike my real life experience there is lube! It's never painful, only involuntary. The coercion means I'm not responsible for wanting these awful, humiliating things, and so I am free to enjoy them. Being powerless is really hot in my imagination (where I hold all the power).

I used to feel a lot of shame and guilt about my fantasies. What kind of hypocrite feminist was I, anyway? Did they mean that my ex didn't really rape me? I had orgasms even with him. Was he was right when he said that meant I was actually consenting even when I begged him to stop? Only in the last few years have I come to understand that the fantasies are part of how I process my life experiences and reconcile being a heterosexual woman in a deeply sexist world.

I like to read erotica, but it's hard to find books without damaging tropes. One of my favorite erotica authors is Jenny Trout. She was hilariously eviscerating "Fifty Shades of Grey" in her blog but eventually got so disgusted she decided to write her own novel about a young woman falling in love with a dominant billionaire. I'll just say the similarities end there.

I don't use porn much (most of it is just too depressing), but when I do I look for amateur couples who seem like they are both enjoying themselves. Any hint of non-consent kills it. I once saw a clip with a middle aged couple. She was on her back, blindfolded, gagged and tied up in a contorted pose. The man spanked her and then had rough anal sex with her. It looked just awful, except they both seemed really enthusiastic. As soon as she showed any sign of lessened enthusiasm he altered his angle, applied more lube, etc until she seemed enthusiastic again. Then she made a tiny hand gesture, and without breaking his stride he put a vibrator on the appropriate area until she was shaking and writhing with orgasm. The man didn't orgasm, but he looked so happy. It was hot, dirty and sweet all at the same time.

*****Part 2 is HERE. Part 3 is HERE!!!*****


5 Movies With Rich Folk #DirectedByWomen

I started doing this categorized List of 5 movies thing where I showcase movies that were directed by women and that I have actually seen. It all started during the Directed By Women Worldwide Viewing Party in September 2015, and it was pretty fun, so I've continued doing it from time to time.

It's a bit off-topic from my normal fare, ya know, being that it's not specifically about lady-gasms or anything like that, but I think it fits the blog because
1. this blog is also about indie movie-making, and
2. this blog is partially about getting the female perspective of sexuality into our media. So, to me, supporting female voices in our media  means we're creating more room for female voices to speak on all types of things, which sometimes will be sex, orgasms, and sexuality.

You can find all my 5-movie lists HERE.

The movies in this list all include rich characters doing the things rick folk be doin'.  Not everybody in these movies are rich, and it doesn't always revolve around them being rich, but they are. It's classic, right? People in movies are always rich and drinking wine with dinner and wearing nice shit in beautiful homes. Well, here's a list of 5 movies directed by women that got these rich bitches in 'em.

Please do get some caviar a bold wine, and choose one of these lady-directed movies.

1 Orlando is directed Sally Potter. I read something about this. I can’t remember where, and rented it on amazon this past summer. I kinda wanna watch it again. It’s a lot to take in. I’ve never read the book it was based on, but I hear it’s screen written to have the same feel, but not exactly the same plot. I appreciate that in a book-to-movie story that, and I thought this movie was pretty bad ass. Recommended for those that like a little bit of slow and weird in their movies.

2 Ride is directed by Helen Hunt. She wrote it too. I just kinda checked this out last summer on some streaming media source. I got though it, but honestly, it was not my fave movie, and Helen Hunt’s character was rich in the most obnoxious way, but ya know, maybe you’ll be into it.

3 Prince of Tides was directed by Barbra Streisand. I remember this movie being very big at a point in time where I was too young to watch it. I don’t know what I thought this was, but I feel like my expectation for this movie was mixed in with my understanding of what the Fisher King was supposed to be like. Anyway, I was kinda off base, but I ended up liking this movie. It seems like a very classic, well-done movie to me, and it’s like almost 30 years old and it held up enough. And of course, there’s definitely rich folk in it doing rich folk things.

4 Somewhere was directed by Sofia Coppola. It’s a about a movie star, so clearly lots of rich nonsense happening. Anyway, I saw this several years ago - probably closer to when it came out in 2010 on DVD. I can’t remember exactly what it was about, but I know we watched it because we like Coppola’s other work. I liked this one, but I don’t recall it as one of my faves from her. It might be a good one to watch again.

5 You’ve Got Mail was directed by Nora Ephron. I know I saw this back in the day closer to when it came out, but I also randomly saw it twice recently, both in hotel rooms. I mean, I guess i saw pieces of it recently. I love a romcom, but I’m not a huge fan of Meg Ryan, so this isn’t really my cup of meat. It’s hardcore formula. I mean those two romantic leads hate each other so much that they might as well just fuck and get it over with already, amiright??? Anyway, it’s a movie, and might watch it a little if it’s on.


Inside Amy Schumer - S2 Ep1

Inside Amy Schumer 
This show makes me laugh, and here's the best part - Amy Schumer tends to bring it when it comes to realism and female sexuality. She brought it in her movie Trainwreck, in The Joe Rogan Podcast, and largely in the other episodes of this show I've SSL Reviewed so far. She has shown a strong willingness to give the clit the glory it deserves, speak some truths about lady sex experiences, rep for actual lady-gasms - all things largely absent in media and also incredibly important to Orgasm Equality. (She could use some schooling and humbling when it comes to speaking about race though - but that's pretty true of a lot of us).

The SSL Reviewable
There is plenty to SSL Review in this show. And for those that don't yet know, an SSL Review is a critique specifically of discussions or depictions of female orgasm, female masturbation, or the clit. I focus on that and really only that (unless I want to talk about something else). I'm looking mainly at realism and about how the depiction/discussion plays in the larger cultural conversation about female orgasm and women's sexuality.

Please, my friends, do enjoy more SSL Reviews for MOVIES and TV SHOWS.

The SSL Review

Season 2 Episode 1: A Car Accident
The end of almost all Inside Amy Schumer shows is her doing a piece of her stand-up to a small crowd. That's where we are for this first SSL Review.

She's telling the crowd that she's jealous of how dudes get to come. It seems fun...and not just because they get to spread their funfetti around. She pantomimes dude spreading their cum around like Oprah giving away free cars. No, it's because they're so ridiculously tired, satisfied, and disoriented after - like they were just in a car accident or something.

Then she ends with, "We're not like that. I need more recovery time after a sneeze than an orgasm." 

My Comments
First off, I just want to mention that clearly her saying this is funnier than reading my description of her saying it. That's a given. Well... I guess I can think of one incident where hearing a detailed description of a thing was way better than the thing itself - and that was when Tosh.0 gave a 25 minute detailed explanation of the movie Human Centipede. I can only find abridged versions of this now, but if you find the full version, I recommend that over the actual movie.

Anyway, Amy's saying this. She's got gestures and an attitude, and it works for humor. I like the visual of calling dudes ejaculating 'spreading their funfetti.' It's good for a laugh. However, I think if you get to the kernel of this bit, it doesn't hold up for me as the kind of humor-through-hard-truth-telling that really excites me about some of Amy's lady-related sex comedy. She's basically coming at this from - 'dudes get all tired/satisfied after an orgasm and women don't.' To me that kernel doesn't feel necessarily true. I mean I feel like a good orgasm can make a lady just wanna flop down and lay there for a while, ya know. 

Also...it's kind of a tired, not-that-perceptive premise for talking about differences  between men and women during sex. I feel like I've heard it a lot. I remember a bit I saw some comic do a while ago...I feel like it was Chris Rock, but I'm not sure...about how men fall asleep after an orgasm and women get more activated and start bouncing off walls and shit. Louis C.K. also did a bit where he basically said that men go to sleep and women don't after sex because men actually came and women didn't. I mean he actually never used the word come, he instead speaks about it in terms of women not being 'fucked well' enough to satisfy them - which is of course problematic because 'fucking' a woman is not what she needs anyway. Vag-banging ain't gonna get her there. A lady actually needs clit stimulation to come, and C.K. completely misses that point. However, his basic premise that women don't get all drowsy and shit after sex like men do because they are actually not physically satiated  (i.e. they didn't actually come) is not wrong. And, it seems to me a bit more in the humor-through-hard-truth-telling realm than Amy's kind of generic dudes-get-all-tired-satisfied-after-an-orgasm-and-women-don't-and-I'm-jealous thing.  

All that to say, I feel like Amy's whole joke here was funny on the surface, and thus not unsuccessful, but also it was kinda stale in that it played on old stereotypes about female sexuality without criticizing or more deeply examining those. I mean, it seems to me that it's worth considering that if a woman isn't as tired-disoriented after her 'orgasm' as her male partner is, then maybe she didn't actually orgasm. Maybe she just faked it or had intercourse (a thing people still very wrongly use interchangeably with 'had an orgasm') and just didn't come. Like, maybe there's a stereotype of women not acting satiated after sex or "having an orgasm" because lots of times ladies literally are not satiated. They didn't come and their male partner did...maybe that's why they seem to act different after. I feel like Amy missed her opportunity to dig into that. And by not digging into that, in essence she reiterated the pretty incorrect idea that women's orgasms are somehow intrinsically different than men's, and completely ignored what I think would be a pretty humor-through-hard-truth-telling avenue of pointing out why that stereotype exists in the first place.

But that's just, like, my opinion, man. Humor is a tricky thing, and I'm being picky. Picky because I respect her comedic work generally on these topics, so really it's just a loving critique to a person who in general does a fab-ass job with this kind of shit. And that's what SSL Reviews are about anyway - being uber-critical...because someone has to be.

The Vulva Rating
So, there is nothing revolutionary or progressive about Amy's joke. In fact it kind of bolstered the idea that women and men are naturally, physically different when it comes to orgasms. At the same time, it's also just neutral. It plays off a tired old stereotype, yet doesn't really make it any worse with extra inaccuracies or anything. It just doesn't question and dissect the stereotype, which does inadvertently reiterate it, but also....what I'm asking is a lot to ask someone to do every time she speaks of lady sex stuff. She does it well most of the time, and I'm heavily appreciative.

So, I'm going to stick to a very neutral 3 out of 5 vulva rating for this episode.



Random Hite Report #30

Hello, welcome again to one of my favorite segments on the SSL blog, Random Hite Report! It's simple really. I flip through the pages of the The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality  (or sometimes The Hite Report on Male Sexuality) by a one Ms. Shere Hite and copy the contents of the page where I land - no more no less. Anyone who reads my blog will know that this 1976 book is a fave of mine; not only because of its realistic and progressive insight about the female orgasm that is still shockingly relevant 40 years later,  but also because of its very touching insight into the lives of the women who took part in this huge, comprehensive survey. This is an under-appreciated and under-read book if you ask me - I suggest you buy it online (seriously, you can get them for like 1 cent) and read it.

 So, sit back, getcha a beverage, and enjoy a little...Random Hite Report.

The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality Dell. 1976.
Pg. 563 From the section Touching Is Sex Too in the chapter "Toward A New Female Sexuality."

...calming beyond belief. His delight in it all tells me volumes about his generous look on life."
    In reality, it is likely that men do like physical intimacy and affectionate contact as much as women do, but are afraid to express these feelings.

Not only is touching men outside of sex generally impossible, but touching other women in friendship is not generally acceptable either.
    "Sometimes I get so angry at this society for being so cold. There are so many times I would llike to kiss a girl friend or hug her or even put my arm around her but I can't because she would be horrified, and think I was a lesbian. Damn, that makes me angry."
    "I would like to touch some people, but hesitate because they are aware of my 'sexual preference,' and this makes me and them uncomfortable. It's awfully hard to explain to an old friend that I only want to hug her because she is an old friend and not potential bed partner."
    "I enjoy touching other women, but most of the times you are allowed to do this, like hello's or goodbye's, the hugs lose most of their sexuality and become just reassuring routines, and as far as I'm concerned don't serve any purpose at all."
    "There are occasions I'll look at a friend - someone I've been close to for years - and see them as very beautiful, and I'll wish we could be very close. I've always been too frozen in the safe patterns of friendship to reach out to a friend when I feel sensually and sexually attracted to them. I would like to be able to do this, to see what happens, and take these feelings out of the realm of my mind even if it's only to say to the man or woman. 'You're looking really good to me right now!'"

Aside from touching one's partner during sex, it only seems possible to touch children and animals.
    "Right now touching is mostly reserved either for parent-baby relationships or sexual relationships. Outside of this it is often construed as sexual even when it...


Sex And The City S1 E8-9: A Retro SSL Review

My new little segment is back for a another round (Here's the others). It's a modified, lazy version of an SSL Review. It's just me transcribing my notes, page by page, on all of the Sex and the City episodes. I watched them all - not necessarily in order - during 2007 and 2008, and I took notes on the depiction/discussion of female orgasm and female masturbation. It was my early attempt at this type of lady-gasm review stuff. Anyway, I never actually created reviews from these notes, but since they exist, I'd like to get them out there on the interwebs before they get burned in a house fire or something...thus this series.

Ramona and my SATC Notes

Anyway, the fun of this will be that I will transcribe these as word for word as I can while still trying to make it be a sensible read. I'll post a pick of the notes for your reference. I'll do one or more episodes at a time - from the beginning of the notebook to the end. I may add notes for clarification or add my SSL-Review-style comments.

Hopefully the notes I took privately 10 years ago won't make me look like a dumb asshole. I will add them in the TV SSL Review Master List  (of course you are also welcome to check out the Movie SSL Review Master List as well). Here we go.

Sex and the City Season 1 Episodes 8 & 9

Season 1 Ep 8

  • Charlotte - fantasies (her boyfriend asks what they are). She says do it in her parents bed. Her boyfriend says, you me, another woman. Girls discuss 3-somes.
  • "Guys are infatuated with threesomes."  - Carrie Voice Over
  • Sam fucking cowgirl  (position) - She orgasms hands free.

Season 1 Ep 9

  • Miranda got a great vibrator. She thinks she's in love (with it). "At least I can say where my next orgasm is coming from - who here at the table can say that?"
  • When Miranda says it's called 'The Rabbit', Sam says 'if you're gonna get a vibrator at least get one called 'The Horse'. [again - confusing insertion and vibration (outer stimulation)]
  • Miranda took Carrie and Charlotte to get The Rabbit [it looks more like a dildo - the rabbit part (the ears that vibrate against the clit) could go unnoticed.Also the dildo part moves around some, so it seems like the dildo part (might be most important).
  • Charlotte - "I think it broke my vagina." The rabbit made her come one time for 5 minutes. No man has ever done that, she tells Carrie. "You know sometimes when you're with a man and he's doing things, and it feels good, but you just can't cum? It's never like that with The Rabbit." She thinks it will ruin sex with a man. Carrie said she could have both, but Charlotte said 'no way - she's giving up.'
  • Charlotte was spending the night with a vibrator and had to have an intervention to take The Rabbit away.

My Thoughts
Reading what I wrote about these episodes, here's my thoughts:
  • I was clearly still noting parts of episodes that had to do with sex or sexuality in more general terms instead of only stuff specific to lady-gasms, lady-bation, and clits. I mean, so what if Charlotte's BF wants a threesome unless we get to see or hear about how the ladies in the threesome come, amiright?
  • The Samantha character has a sexual-bawdy-lady schtick that has an old-timey, male-centric, not-based-in-the-reality-of-female-orgasm-sexual-bravado thing going on. First, her Ep. 8 orgasm that arises from merely the penis banging in her vagina with no direct or even indirect stimulation to the clitoral glans is unrealistic. It is not something that one should expect to cause orgasm for a woman, yet character like her in scenes like that are far, far, far too common and make it seem like a p-in-v bang is all a woman needs to come. It keeps in place the already strongly held cultural expectation that women should just come from getting boned. It's not great. 
  • Also, continuing on the above point, Samantha's whole horse comment was meant for laughs because, again, she's got that particular sexual-bawdy-lady schtick, and so she's supposed to LOVE big dicks...the bigger the better. Problem is, a vibrator is truly great not because it vibrates inside a woman's vagina (although that can be arousing of course), and certainly not because it's shaped like an extra large dick to imitate big-horse-dick-intercourse. It's great specifically because it does something that doesn't often happen during p-in-v intercourse. It stimulates the clitoral glans (which is on the outside of the body, not inside the vagina), and it stimulates it strongly with vibration...and here's the clincher - that is a superb way to get an orgasm! Little secret for everyone - ladies love to orgasm and vibrators make that shit happen. Putting big ol' horse-dick vibrators inside the vagina is maybe fun, but still not the kind of thing that one can expect to cause orgasm. So, I didn't love Samantha's horse comment because it insinuates that the size of something going into the vagina is an important factor in a vibrator, when it's just not (I mean if we'ree talking in terms of orgasm here). It's the vibration we can put on the outside (the clitoral glans/vulva area) that gives us ladies the consistent path to orgasm we all love about vibrators. Samantha, per usual, reiterates the incorrect and harmful cultural assumption that female orgasmic pleasure is related to intercourse with a big ol' penis.
  • I love a lot about Miranda and Charlotte's commentary on how great the vibrator is because it emphasizes a reality we don't often put out into the light - that women don't consistently come with their male partners (because p-in-v sex is shit for lady-gasms), but that coming is awesome and we love it and crave it and a vibrator can consistently do that for us (because it's stimulating the clit, the part of us that actually can be expected to cause orgasms).


Remembering My Mom

I'm going to switch it up from my normal fare of lady-gasms, lady-bation, sexual culture, and media representations for this post. This is what you might call a Very Special Episode of the SSL Blog. I lost my mother, Pat Eberle, a few weeks ago, and since I write on this blog and like my mom a lot, I'm going to do a little tribute/remembering for her - because I want to and because I think she'd be interesting for people to read about.

Mom her senior year of high school

My writing will be a little stream of consciousness, so bare with me. I'm not sure exactly what I want to say yet, so I hope it comes out right.

Mom's 'school pic' while she was director of a childcare center. Must have been near Easter. Notice the bunny vest and bunny earrings.

I guess I'll start with saying this isn't the first time I've written about my mom in this blog. She's always supported the shit out of me. I'm just a gal that made a no-holds-barred movie about the female orgasm (I mean there were real close-up vulvas 20 feet high on the screen) with a mom (and dad too) that not only acted in the movie, catered a couple shoots, but also proudly attended the premiere, brought lots of friends and had little small showings of her own. It's not exactly what most moms imagine for their daughter, but she would have full on supported anything I was passionate about. That's how she was. Here's almost a decade old post about the SSL movie costuming day that my mom and my bad-ass aunt Cathy catered for us. HERE and HERE and HERE are posts thanking my mom for giving me things like confidence and a level of openness and accurate knowledge about my body and my sexuality. HERE and HERE are posts relating to mom's struggle with cancer the last 2 years (btw she did get through the last bad chemo I wrote about, and luckily never had to go through anything like that again). And HERE's a quick post about St. Patrick's Day that has a picture of her hugging a giant Kidney at the St. Pat's parade...because why not.

mom and dad on set of Science, Sex and the Ladies

Point is, she is a piece of me, this movie I made, this blog, and my activism. She cannot be separated from me and the things that I do, and I specifically have always felt her presence in my interest in and passion for this, I don't know how exactly how to say it, comradery of women and our journey towards sexual self-actualization.

Me and mom dancing, I think on my 15th birthday

She was a feminist even though she may not have always called herself that. She built up the women in her life much more than she cut them. She believed in the power of community and to me, she always seemed to be working for some kind of greater good, whether through her job or her volunteering, and it's not like she was a rich woman of leisure that had time to get into things. She was squarely working class. Even when she stayed home with my sister and I before we started school, she was able to do so because she ran an in-home day care center and bartended on Saturdays. But still she had time to get out into her community and do shit. It was a really meaningful example to set. I see that now in my sister with her children and my sister's many, busy forms of activism that, frankly, she has very little time for, but she does it anyway. My sister, like my mom, put the work in to cultivate a big strong community that she both gives to and enjoys support from. She amazes me sometimes. She is my heart, and I'm so glad I have her to go through this with.

mom bartending at the American Legion

 A couple years ago, I realized my mom ended up raising 2 hard-core activist daughters. I got my orgasm stuff, and my sister, although always somewhat of an LGBTQ activist, got deep into the thorny politics and real-life advocacy for trans people when her 12 year old came out to her as trans. Here's another Very Special SSL Blog Post  where I posted the letter my sister created to 'introduce' her daughter to friends and family. I might add that my niece is now a happy, healthy 16 year old that is an incredibly brave activist as well. My mom loved the hell out of her from the day she was born until forever - without wavering - even as she worked to learn what being trans would mean for her grandbaby and her family.

Mom kissing on her first grandbaby

I feel like that's something that makes me think most of my mom - children. She loved kids. I don't mean that in a mushy, sweetsy way. She was all about discipline and respect and she was fine letting kids entertain themselves on their own while adults did adult things. I mean that she loved children in that she felt a responsibility toward any child in her life - no matter how they made it into her life or who they were connected to. They were a child, and they deserved to feel safe, and special, and cared for and she went out of her way to make that happen. For so many children around her, she made sure that she was a responsible, kind adult in their life that expected the best out of them, and she made it clear to them that she thought about and considered them. Sadly there are a lot of kids that don't have enough of that in their life. Every single time I interact with my nieces or nephews or my friends kids or really any children, I think about what my mom would do. How would she remember their special days? How would she interact? What kind of special touches would she add? When would she show up?

Mom and 2 of her grandnieces/nephews

Overall I see my mom as deeply realistic about relationships of all kinds and to some extent about life in general. She was an optimistic person, but she did not ignore or avoid the shit parts of life. Whenever she or I went on a trip somewhere in my adult years, we would make sure we told each other that if we died, we had been happy with our lives and that we loved each other. Her death was a bit of a surprise, but it had been preceded by 2 years of cancer, and we had already cried and kissed each other and talked about how scary her death would be and we already told each other, embraced with our foreheads pressed that we didn't need to say anything because we already knew exactly how we each felt. She helped me be as okay as I could be.

ma keepin' it fun at her 2nd round of chemo

She didn't tend to leave things unsaid for long, good or bad. She used to talk about relationships with us as kids a lot and about her and dad's relationship. I remember her often saying that there are ups and downs, but the ups should be more than the downs. She would tell us that you had to talk about stuff. You couldn't let things fester.

mom and dad

She wasn't perfect, and I don't want it to seem as though I am only remembering the best of her. I don't want that because I think that ignoring the lesser parts in someone is missing the point of who the person was. The rough, complicated parts matter. I don't think you can really be close to someone in a deep way without acknowledging and coming to terms with those parts. My mom was maybe a more patient person with me as the younger child than my older sister. She was harsher with her in some ways, and as with all siblings, we each had slightly different parents because of the time and place and circumstance of our childhoods. My mom and sister had a rougher go of it in my sister's teen years, partially due to normal teens being teens and partially because my parents didn't always deal with it well. They stayed constant though, and I think about that a lot with parenting. It's often not about the what you do, but that you continue to do, that you continue to be there and adjust and show up. My mom and sister ended up having maybe a closer relationship in our adult years than I did with mom, but I think mom left some scars.

Me, Mom, and My Sister from left to right
My mom has 2 older sisters who we were very close to, but they also had a younger brother and sister that they stopped talking with after my grandparents died about the time I was an early teen. Some of the reasons were valid and some they probably could have gotten over with time. I always found that cutting off to be a little sad and something that didn't jive with the rest of my mom, but I also realize that my mom's mom was a bit of a mess and probably a prescription drug addict, and that her younger kids probably got the brunt of that and carried a lot of the negative upbringing with them - something the other 3 kids were able to mostly evade in their own ways. This was maybe deeper that I ever really saw and understood. My mom could also say too much. I don't remember this as much when I was young, but when I was older, there were times where my mom could say some rude shit aloud for instance in a restaurant if the service was going badly. I mean she wasn't always completely wrong, but it was inappropriate and it mortified me and my sister. She had a loud voice and her whisper was not a whisper. I might have that problem sometimes.

mom and her older sisters. I love those three women more than I can say

me and mom in the backyard

So she, like all of us, wasn't all goodness and light, but I think she put way more good out there in the world than bad, and you know, a person is never the same thing in the life of any 2 people. I can only truly know her as what she was to me.

Mom and dad after my HS musical senior year

To me she was the person that layed my base. She allowed me to have confidence in myself and trust my instincts. She gave me a community of friends and family to rely on, a safety net of love and food and shelter and support that would always be there even if people had to scrounge. She showed me what hard work looks like and how important it was to not half-ass a job. She was an example of what long-term relationships, be them friendships or lovers or family, look like with all their ups and downs and gives and takes, crying and laughter. She is the reason I love too many colored lights and tinsel at Christmas, ooohing and aaahing at fireworks, women like Bette Midler with huge singing voices and bawdy personalities, dancing my brains out, having clean baseboards in my house, kissing my family right on the lips, and having my nieces and nephews overnight.

Classic 'Plunger Lips' Kiss from mom before my wedding

That's a little bit of what she was to me, and everyday another thing comes up that reminds me of something else.

mom on the backyard swingset

And, what I can say for what she was to everyone else is that a shit ton of people showed up for Pat's Goodbye Bash (that's what we called her end-of life celebration. She didn't want a normal funeral - and neither did we). She was part of them too, and that is how people live on, I think- in the lives they affected and impressions they make in people. That is how we all shape the future in big and small ways.

mom painting our cupboards

I love you ma, and I thank you for living as you did. I think of you often and always will. I even get to see you every now and then in a dream. We'll take care of all your babies. Promise.

one of my fave pics of mom and her girls

To end this already long post, here is something we wrote about mom on the last page of her Goodbye Bash pamphlet.

She was fun. She was a little bit earthy with a touch of a wild streak. She kissed with plunger lips and hugged everyone. She made the children in her life feel loved and safe. She created special times and spaces for all her babies; Princess Baths, outings, baking sessions, sleepovers, and little traditions. She was steady and realistic. She could make do. She gave it to you straight. Sometimes too straight. 
Sweet probably isn’t a good word to describe her, but warm and welcoming probably is. She was loyal and she showed up. She showed up in the hard gritty ways, with a bucket of soapy water, ready to do whatever you needed -no questions asked. She wasn’t afraid of hard work or the long road. When something needed to be done, she got in and did it. She loved to kiss a baby’s chunky thighs and pat a butt to sleep. She was down to clown. She could party, and when you thought she was done, party some more.  
She went back to college for Child Development in her 30’s and rocked those grades. She spent years working with children and teen moms. She babysat in her home while her kids were young and bartended on Saturdays. She and her sister owned an antique and craft store for years. She drove a truck around delivering meals to old folks homes and spent her last months working with adults who have developmental disabilities.  
She would pee outside in a hot second, and she loved a chance to relax in a hot tub, chill on a beach, or snuggle on the couch with some tea. For years in the Ladies Auxiliary, she put on the kids holiday parties, making the back hallway at Post 495 into a haunted house, hiding eggs, or creating a throne for Santa. She was a CCD teacher at St. Lawrence, a PTO mom at Harrison Hill, a member of the Lawrence Township Citizens Committee, a political activist, a food pantry worker, and she volunteered in many a classroom. She went to kid’s events and she was loud and proud (seriously, her voice carried).  
She had a marriage built on friendship and communication. She said Bill made her strong. She may not have been a fashion plate, but by god, she dressed for the season. She loved her Cathy and her Muggs, and she’ll never forget drinking with them in an actual Irish pub. She was a good friend, and she’s seen her friends through many years and all the ups and downs that go with them. She was impatient and loud, funny and kind, fiercely loving and a real hoot. She was our wife, mother, grandma, sister, aunt, cousin, coworker, and friend. She was loved and will be missed. 

Dance on little mama